Apa itu Soulfy?

Soulfy sebagai produk dari PT. Tarombo Industries sejak didirikan sebagai entity usaha tahun 2009, mempelajari, menganalisis, dan bereksperimen dengan usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) di wilayah kami. Soulfy adalah produk platform tempat kami merumuskan solusi. Soulfy telah belajar bahwa ada banyak masalah di lapangan, mengenai penggunaan teknologi web untuk sebagian besar UKM. Seringkali, masalah hanya diselesaikan dengan outsourcing ke orang lain, para ahli. Sayangnya dengan melakukan itu, outsourcing itu dapat mengakibatkan kenaikan biaya yang signifikan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi yang lebih baik.

Platform Soulfy.com diluncurkan pada Nov, 2017. Menyediakan ekosistem untuk UKM dalam satu langkah, Panggilan Telepon. Itu adalah cara paling sederhana untuk menggunakan platform kami untuk memesan situs web. Dengan melakukan panggilan, melakukan pembayaran, dan memberi tahu nama domain yang diinginkan, UKM dapat memiliki situs web yang berfungsi penuh segera setelah dia menutup telepon. Meskipun, jika lebih disukai, opsi pengisian formulir online juga dapat memberikan hasil yang sama. Isi formulir online, dan miliki situs web segera setelah Anda melakukan pembayaran online.

Pada tahun 2014, kami memulai pengembangan platform kami berdasarkan penelitian dan pengembangan kami, wawancara, tes dan uji coba, diskusi tatap muka dan uji coba teknologi web dengan UKM, dan merilis berbagai sistem yang ingin kami coba di lapangan. Dan hasilnya cukup mengejutkan. Banyak masalah sebenarnya tidak terlalu rumit, tetapi masih perlu outsourcing. Dalam hal ini, kami telah menyimpulkan bahwa alih daya ke bentuk teknologi yang disesuaikan untuk pengguna, terutama UKM adalah cara terbaik untuk melakukannya. Dan kami melakukannya dengan membuat platofrm.

Hari ini, platform kami ada di versi 2.1.11, ketika bagian 'tentang kami' ini ditulis. Cara kami berkomunikasi dengan UKM di platform kami, memungkinkan kami untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan permintaan mereka dalam pembaruan versi. Sejauh ini, kami telah berhasil menjaga klien kami tanpa repot, dan membuat mereka fokus pada penjualan dan pengembangan bisnis inti mereka, daripada khawatir bagaimana membuat situs web mereka dibuat atau berfungsi. Kami selalu mencari masukan, dan itulah yang tercermin pada setiap situs web Soulfy di luar sana. Kami berharap dapat terus membantu UKM dan siapa saja yang dapat menggunakan layanan kami selama kami bisa.

Secara berkelanjutan, setelah tahap penting pertama ini, mereka akan memasuki tahan PEMBELAJARAN/ EDUCATIONAL secara terus-menerus selama mereka melakukan login ke backend dari situs micro web usaha mereka, dengan fitur Tutorial Blitzscale Soulfy, yg mengajarkan secara garis besar: Branding, Scaling, hingga Funding. Saat mereka mengikuti kelas online (sistem POP-UP di layar) setiap mereka login, semua pelajaran yang mereka ikuti akan terimplementasi pada situs micro web mereka sebagai FRONT END dari usaha mereka. Pada waktu yang sama, pencapaian KELAS ONLINE ini akan tercermin dalam sebuah sistem rating, 3 PIALA. Dimana setiap piala adalah rating pencapaian mereka dari sistem Tutorial Blitzscale Soulfy. Dimana ke tiga piala ini ditampilkan di sisi kiri atas setiap micro web buatan Soulfy. Rating ini menjadi ukuran bagi pemilik usaha/ web itu sendiri, pengunjung secara umum, maupun calon Investor (Funding) ke depannya. Demikian, sistem dan pembelajaran ini kami revisi dari waktu ke waktu dengan me release update terbaru micro web Soulfy bagi penggunanya, setiap perubahan atau dinamika teknologi / edukasi yang baru kami temukan. Dengan demikian, adaptasi para pengguna platform Soulfy akan terus mengikuti perkembangan terakhir.

Who is Soulfy, and what do we do?

PT. Tarombo Industries was established in 2009, in Jakarta. Since then, we have been learning, studying, analyzing, and experimenting with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in our region. Soulfy is the platform product where we formulate the solutions. Soulfy has learned that there are plenty of problems in the field, regarding the use of web technologies for most SMEs. Often times, the problems are simply best solved by outsourcing it to others, the experts. Unfortunately by doing so, outsourcing it may result in a significant rise of cost. Therefore, a better solution is needed.

In 2014, we started the development of our platform based on our research and development, interviews, test and trials, face to face discussion and trial of web technologies with SMEs, and released different systems that we want to try in the field. And the result is quiet surprising. Many of the problems are actually not that complicated, but still need to be outsourced. In this case, we have concluded that outsourcing it to a form of technology that is customized for the users, especially SMEs is the best way to do it. And we did it by creating a platofrm.

Soulfy.com platform was launched in 2017. Providing an ecosystem for SMEs in one single step, A Phone Call. That is the simplest way to use our platform to order a website. By placing a call, making a payment, and notifying the domain name that is desired, an SME can have a fully working website as soon as he/she hangs up the phone. Although, if preferred, an online form filling option may also provide the same outcome. Fill out the online form, and have a website as soon as you make the onine payment.

Today, our platform is on version 2.1.11, when this 'about us' section is written. The way we communicate with SMEs in our platform, allows us to cater their needs and demands in version updates. So far, we have managed to keep our clients hassle-free, and get them to focus on selling and growing their core businesses, rather than worrying how to get their websites created or functioning. We are always seeking for inputs, and that is what's reflected on every single Soulfy website out there. We hope to continue to help SMEs and anyone who can use our services as long as we can.

Continuously, after this first important phase, they will enter the LEARNING/EDUCATIONAL hold continuously as long as they log into the backend of their business micro website, with the Blitzscale Soulfy Tutorial feature, which is taught in outline: Branding, Scaling, to Funding. When they take online classes (POP-UP system) every time they log in, all the lessons they take will be implemented on their micro website as the FRONT END of their business. At the same time, protecting this ONLINE CLASS will unlock a rating system, 3 trophies. Where each trophy is their rating from Soulfy's Blitzscale Tutorial system. Where these three trophies are displayed on the top left side of each Soulfy micro web. This assessment is a measure for business owners/websites themselves, visitors in general, as well as potential investors (Funding) to be available. Thus, we revise this system and learning from time to time by releasing the latest updates for the Soulfy micro web for users, any changes or dynamics of technology / education that we have just discovered. Thus, the adaptation of users of the Soulfy platform will continue to follow the latest developments.

Erik Nainggolan, B.E.E.

Founder, CEO

Holds Electrical Engineering degree,  studied web technology since 1994 from University of New Orleans, USA. ALUMNAS (Alumni America Serikat/ Indonesian US Alumni Association) founding member, Initiated online database system for HIPMI (40k members nation wide) Indonensian Young Entreprenur Association. Information Technology Vice Chairman in Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN INDONESIA 2015-2021)& Eastern Indonesia Economic Council.
Role: Lead, Network, Vision of the company.


Co-Founder, Chairperson of BOC, Shareholder

Holds Business Administration degree from YAI. Experienced in accounting, finance, aand administrative roles.

Frangky Lokollo

Head of Strategic Planning, Shareholder

Holds various experiences in major organisations in Indonesia, focusing in Labour laws, local and international, and a proven strategic and goal oriented negotitions.

Amsa Sitanggang


Holds Mechanical Engineering degree from Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Engineering Consultant major in mining, process and energy.

Prof. DR. Adler Haymans Manurung

SE., S.H., M.E., M.Comm., ChFC., RFC., CLU., ERMCP, CIMBA

Adler Manurung has more than 20 years of experience in financial management. He brings real-world experience, especially in research analysis and discussion in his teaching process at USBI in Personal Finance Management, Econometrics, and Market Microstructure. An active writer, he has written more than 35 books on the capital market, investment, finance and banking. He has been a resource person at various symposiums, seminars, conferences and discussions both nationally and internationally.

Arthur Tumbel


Chairman of Indonesian Entrepreneour Association (IWI). Implemented the use of web technology in the organisation, to empower the members. Code: Html, php, css. Self taught entrepreneur.
Role: Manages and Oversees technical aspects of the company.

Ray Nainggolan, B.B.A.


Studied and acquired Computer Science, Graphic design, Accounting, with Bachelor degree  in Business Administration from Gordon College, MA, USA.
Role: Oversees operational and goal achieving mission of the company.

Ester Perawati


Proficient in business administration planning and executions. Experienced in task management, planning, for government and private companies administrations. 
Role: General administrative control and management.

Our Values

Trusts from our clients that we are really there to solve their problems, are of utmost importance in our mission.


We develope our ideas, and we prepare plans to expand it.


In this era of disruption and abundance, speed becomes a major factor.


Simple and efficient.


High adaptivity bridges our technology to current practices and the future's.

Value in affordability

Make it affordable, people will appreciate it.


We give away knowledge to empower and to grow.

Our Location
